Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Luna Gans, More LEDs

I am considering adding two more LEDs to the Gans. This could be one option. Not sure for the second one. 

This would balance the circuits a bit: currently, the search light is on a circuit of its own; I intend to add the two LEDs to it instead of a resistor. The turret head already has 3 LEDs in series. And the (candle effect) glow LEDs in the rocket bells need to be on their own circuit(s), with resistors, otherwise everything connected to them will flicker in sync.
One external power source of 6V should be adequate to supply all the circuits without a problem. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Luna Gans, Part-1: Sub-assemblies & details

Wave 1/20 Ma.k - LUNA GANS

Luna Gans, is an unmanned, unarmed reconnaissance walker, operating on the Moon, in the year ~2890.

This is a great kit in 1/20 scale from Wave, with that complex mechanical composition typical of the Maschinen Krieger series. 

I've started working on this duck a few years back; then got busy with life as it comes... It is a slow Work In Progress [sWIP]. This is as far as I have reached. Temporary rigging and Blue Tack:

Here are some lighting mods and details of the aft engine:

Head Turret:

Green & Red navigation lights, Yellow main sensor light, all standard 3mm LEDs; push/push switch, through the topside radar rod. Electric connections through the black wires running under the turret, through the body where resistors will be added, onto the legs, all the way to the feet. Power source will be external, hidden in an eventual base - to keep the model light - and will connect through the underside of the feet, e.g. with small magnets. 

Main Search Light:

Blue 3mm LED, hidden wires. The reflector had a rough surface which I didn't bother to polish, just padded it with Aluminum self-sticking foil. It would not really be visible under the lens and the lens cover. There is another push/push switch in the body to activate the search light as well as the rocket engine glow.

Rocket Bells:

Orange candle glow 3 mm LEDs, removable; brass tubes as guides, soldered to hidden enamel wires.

I was tempted to add many more lights, through the numerous sensors, and even through the front lights and indicator lights. I even got some miniature SMD 0603 and 0402 LEDs for that. But that would have been too tedious, and ended up delaying the work. I finally dropped the idea. For now.


Some detailing, wires and hoses. Painted with Ak True Metal. Still work in progress and needs some touch-up, and weathering. I've used a large stapler piece instead of the plastic u-shaped protection rod; interestingly, it was of the exact same size - was it what KY used on the original model?
    Engine sub-assembly, a few wires and hoses mod in progress.
    Engine sub-assembly, weathering pending.